084 | Behind the scenes of launching the six week thing

Last week was a big week for me, as you might have seen I launched my group coaching programme, The Six Week Thing. 

While I had intended to use this episode to tell you more about The Thing, I realised it was actually a great opportunity to show you a bit more of the behind the scenes of how the idea came together and how Emily and I planned the launch in 10 days. 10 Days! 

As you know by now, for me when something feels right, when I have that gut feeling, I need to run with it and that's exactly what this launch was.

If I compare launching last week to previous launches in my business I have to say this one has felt really good, so I can't wait to share with you how I've used my platforms to promote The Six Week Thing in a way that is simple, in line with my values and still feels like me.

Also just a huge thank you to everyone thats engaged with this idea and launch! For those signed up I can not wait to sit down with you all in January and do this thing!  



085 | Women's only networking - part of the problem, or part of the solution


083 | How to not let your competitors get in your head with Claire, founder of Archive 12