102 | The next evolution of my business - an inside look
My business is going through a big shift at the moment. Whilst it's not visible yet, I wanted to share a behind the scenes look at what is happening in my business right now.
As business owners it's easy to get in a routine of how we do things because they've worked so far. But, as you know, for me working big picture is so key.
For me there are three stages when it comes to making shifts within my business. It starts with a question, or a niggling feeling. The next stage is finding the answers, which is where I am now.
And what does stage three look like? Well this is putting the clarity and understanding into action and creating 'a new normal'.
It's been a long process to get clear about what I want this shift to look like, so I hope this episode gives you an insight into how I work through this process and gets you thinking about some changes you would like to make yourself.