131 | Can FB Ads work for a value driven business? My experience and results

In my most recent launch I used Facebook ads for the first time, now believe me when I say, I have been very sceptical when it came to using ads and I didn't believe it could be a good fit for my business. 

I am now a total convert having seen Facebook ads can be done in a value driven way and be a helpful tool in a launch plan. 

Joining me today is Matt Rubas, who firstly convinced me to try out Facebook ads and then managed the whole process for me. 

In this episode we reflect on the strategy we took, the total spend and how that converted to sales. 

If you're on the fence about using ads in your business or don't know where to start with them then this is the episode for you! 



Matt | Instagram | Website 


The PRACTICAL side of a launch


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