064 | Dealing with internal and external noise when starting something new with Josh Worth

When your business is new, and you’ve not yet built up your evidence bank to face the comparison with other business’, self doubt that is going against your intention or concerns from friends & family, who do you listen to & how do you keep pushing forward?

In this weeks conversation, Josh and I (sat on my hotel room floor) unpack what that noise can be, where it comes from, and how to deal with it...

It was fascinating to get a male perspective on bouncing back from negative comments, imposter syndrome, feeling vulnerable, or comparing yourself to others. It’s a long one so grab a cuppa, & settle in for an honest chat about those highs & lows at the start of business & how to navigate your way through.

And, of course, there’s the tough fire quick questions which I have been loving you all getting involved with & passionately dividing opinions!

What are your thoughts on the episode? As ever I'd love to hear from you over on Instagram



Josh | Instagram


065 | Setting intentions for the rest of 2019


063 | What nobody tells you about selling your expertise and being a coach with Vix Meldrew