I’m tired. And I’m not a bad business owner for admitting it.

I had a bit of a cry as I fell asleep last night. Not about anything specific. But just out of tiredness.

I used to think that tiredness was a negative thing - a sign of weakness or a way of admitting defeat. But now I see everything that sits underneath it.

The challenges I’ve overcome. The achievements I’ve made. The learning curves I’ve adapted to. Oh, and the pandemic I’ve been navigating through for the last 4 months. It’s been a lot.

You see, whilst tiredness isn’t a measure of success, it’s an OK thing to feel. And I’ve got a feeling I’m not the only one who is a little tired right now?

So there’s something I want to ask you - when will you rest? Now I know, I’m always talking about taking action and levelling up, but let me remind you...

Resting is intentional.
Resting is productive.
Resting makes you a BETTER coach, designer, photographer, leader, educator... you get the gist.

I had no clue when I decided to take this August off just how much I’d need it but my past self obviously knew what she was doing. So for me, the countdown is on for a full 4 weeks off.

So the question I’m left to ask you is - when are you going to rest?


Clear Voice Podcast | Brand Voice With Alice Benham


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