062 | Running a business when your personal life goes to shit With Fiona Grayson, founder of She Can. She Did

In the FIRST episode of the new format, I'm sitting down with one of my fav work pals (and a past guest of this podcast), Fiona Grayson, to have a good old chat about the reality of running a business when your personal life goes a little downhill.

In the past 8 months both Fi and I have gone through breakups and it's safe to say there's a whole lot we didn't expect around how this would impact what we do. Alongside discussing what this looked like for us, we covered all important topics from the weirdest email we've ever received to what job would convince us to quit our business'.

As you know, I am a huge fan of the She Can. She Did. Midweek Mingles, you can find all upcoming dates here. Can’t wait to see you there soon!



Fiona | Instagram | Website | Podcast


063 | What nobody tells you about selling your expertise and being a coach with Vix Meldrew


Switching the podcast up...