Work break blues

I’m emerging from my social media / work break because HELLO living alone + tier 4 + no work (when you usually work a lot) is a little hard??

In this weird time between Christmas and New Years, when it’s (hopefully) acceptable to drink at 2pm and nobody knows what day it is, I find myself craving a focus. Now usually that itch is scratched in the form of social happenings but due to the aforementioned isolation, I’m staying sane through a whole lot of life admin.

As a taster, the current list features...
✔️Backlog my line a day journal... yep I’m that person
✔️Get my disposable cameras developed and (likely) wince at the photos I can’t remember taking
✔️Organise my files and set up a backup hard drive - glam
✔️Finish binge watching Shitt’s Creek (after all your comments on my recent reel I figured I needed to try - so good?!)
✔️Set up my personal phone (about time)
✔️Map out my business goals and actions for Q1, using the AB Method wall planner😎
✔️Reflect on my personal intentions for 2021 - I’ve never set non business intentions before so any tips?!
✔️Read a lot of crappy books which do nothing for my IQ

I usually ADORE time off (and don’t get me wrong I need it) but truth be told I’m finding it a little tough now... the temptation to step into the office purely to have ‘something to do’ is real😬


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Instagram is my main hangout where I document the behind the scenes of my business and share valuable tips and insights around strategy, marketing and productivity.


A few words on what I hope 2021 holds for you


We Made It.