Choose the work-life balance you want

How do I share the reality of my BTS without promoting the idea of overworking? It’s a question I’m forever trying to answer.

You see, whether it was selling wooden signs at 15, managing a Christmas Grotto at 16 (true story) or starting out in business at 17, I’ve always gone ALL in.

And that’s a choice I make.

Take today as an example - I started at 8am and am just about winding down now (7pm). That’s pretty common for me right now. And it’s what it’s taking to sustain clients, students, content and future projects.

Now whilst I WANT to share that (to be realistic about time and output) I’d never want to glorify long hours and in turn, make those who don’t or can’t commit that time feel pressured or guilty.

Because the hours you work are SUCH a personal thing. Down to the business you run. The lifestyle you want. The other commitments you have. The people who rely on you. What time of year it is. How bored you are (anyone else?). It all plays a role and I’d never want to promote the idea that my approach is the standard... especially when that standard fluctuates - sometimes I click off at 2pm on Fridays or take a month off!

I’m not sure I’ve got any closer to answering my question but I’d be interested to hear your thoughts - where do you sit with it? Do you find it triggering or motivating when others show their input? Or do you not really care and think I need to stop overthinking?

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