This week been needed. The headspace and time to move projects forward and work big picture. The opportunity to rest after 8 weeks of navigating a pandemic whilst running a business. Invaluable. But let me be real for a minute, it’s also been tough.

You see, EVERYTIME I take a step back from working ‘in’ my business (aka on coaching calls all day) comparison kicks in.

Without that security blanket / distraction I begin to take a look at what others are doing and come to conclusions - “there’s no space for me” “why try” “I’ll never do it like them” “I’m so far away from that level”. Trust me, I’ve felt it.

But that ain’t IT. People who are further ahead are EVIDENCE that it’s possible. Their achievements should give us the green flag to try not a red one to stop. We won’t do it like them and THAT’S THE WHOLE DAMN POINT.

I’m saying this to me as much as I am to you because FLIP ME is it easy to look sideways. But let’s be wildly celebratory of what others are up to. Let’s stay in our lane whilst being inspired by theirs. And as @lucysheridan puts so well let’s look at what others are up to and say “good for you and the same for me”.


114 | How do you build out the packages you offer?


113 | Do you have a 5 year plan?