113 | Do you have a 5 year plan?
You all know I LOVE big picture work. I talk a lot about my approach to business and the power I see in working on, not always working in my business.
When I learnt about this differentiation it really clicked in my brain and ever since then I've explored what this looks like for my business. I got really clear on that big picture goal, and how I can always be moving towards it.
I know where I want to go and while I do set annual intentions, I know for me, I have to have the freedom to act spontaneously and be reactive, so a set in stone 5 year plan doesn't work for me, but by focusing on how I want my business to feel or what I want my impact to be, I have a plan but it's very different to trying to achieve set income goals, or tick certain boxes.
So, I encourage you to get clear on the long term of what you're working towards, but allow yourself to change and evolve. Long term planning works best when it's done in a way that suits you. I give you total permission to find a way of thinking big picture that works for you and that puts you and your business at the heart of that.